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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Book Smarts for Movie Lovers

I had to share a segment from last night's Last Comic Standing on film adaptations. Best line: "Oh, Brad Pitt is in this far just words!"

Mike Kaplan is a semi-finalist in the competition and one of the reasons that I am a newbie to the show. A must-see for an evening laugh.


  1. Hello,
    Brilliant video. Thanks. It looks to be an interesting stuff. I would also like to have some information regarding that. If it's an evening laugh then I am reedy to cheer.


  2. Hello,
    Nice post i like it
    Movies pander to our wild senses, titillate our innermost emotions and just pep up our lives. Movies are today just a mini caricature of our real life. In a very big way, the real life has transformed and this is portrayed on the celluloid nowadays
