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Friday, August 6, 2010

The "Power" of Facebook: A Fan-Made Trailer

I am excited to see The Social Network. Apparently, so is outspoken rapper, Kanye West. You might have heard about his recent impromptu performance at their headquarters. Here's a version of the movie trailer with  West's new single, "Power." Personally, I like this version better. A fitting song if I might say so.

You can get see the newly updated trailer and get all the production's updates on their official site, here. The featured trailer could have been two trailers as the first 54 seconds flash before your eyes like those new iPhone Facetime commercials. The second half (equally as good) is more dramatic and provides a sense of the movie's intensity and arch.

Speaking of social networking, follow me on Twitter @reelmoviemagic


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  2. Very well explored.Facebook has been translated into over 100 languages, penetrating nearly one third of the entire population.
